Youth Environment Forum 2012

Our Green Leaders: Nadiah, Rudi and Krishman had the opportunity to participate in Youth Environment Forum 2012. The Forum was organised by Asian Journeys Ltd on the Theme:Green Desert Green Transformers. The forum was held at UniSIM (Clementi) Campus.

Shu Rong ad Krishman at a group's discussion

Rudi and Nadiah at the Forum
Rudi at the Youth Forum

Rudi participating in a group discussion.

Shu Rong with other schools' participants

Green Plants in the Staffroom to improve air quality

Do you know that some plants can improve the air quality indoors?

“ A few pots of plants will make a marked improvement to the quality of indoor air. They do not just add some greenery, but they also ‘filter the air’. They take in toxins and break them down with the help of microbes in the compost.”– British landscape and garden designer Andy Sturgeon.

His top picks for these green air-purifiers include the Boston fern, the dumbcane, money plant and the corn palm because“they are easy to grow and do well in an indoor environment”.

Earth Hour Celebration @ HKSS

Pupils doing IPW project promoting Earth Hour at morning assembly

Our pupils celebrate Earth Hour by taking part in quizzes on topics related to Climate Change.
Our Scouts taking part in Earth Hour's Human Formation "60+ Formation" at Ngee Ann City Plaza, Orchard Road.

Pupils play on-line quizzes and games at our STAR Centre

Mrs Aditi and her Class Monitors creating flyers for distribution as reminders of Earth Hour.

Earth Hour Publcity at STAR Centre

Our Junior Environment Ambassadors reminding pupils about Climate Change.

Celebrating Earth Hour wth on-line games and videoshow

Watching video-shows on Climate Change at the STAR Centre

Junior Environment Ambassador Training Workshop

Our pupils attended Junior Environment Ambassador Training Workshop where they learned how to communicate with others to promote environmental consciousness.

Pupils had their training workshop at a quiet and rural part of Singapore at Orchidville, Mandai. The ambience of the place provided opportunities for our pupils to be in touch with Nature.

Pupils learn to make terranium plants in recycled plastic bottles.

Comments made by pupils about what they have learnt at the workshop:
1 The mosquito breeding cycle and tips on good communication skills
2.I learned how to make the world a better place by knowing how to recycle stuff effectively
3 I learned how to save the environment
4 I know that the world is dying and we should do something about it immediately
5 I learned about plants and how to plant them
6 I learned more about dengue mosquitoes