Recycling Newspapers

Pupils from Sec 3N1 collected newspapers for recycling.

'Time-Out' Programme Fund-raising Bazaar

Pupils in the 'Time-out' Programme did their part to encourage recycling. Pupils and teachers donated their recycled items and these were sold at a bazaar manned by the pupils. Proceeds from the sale were donated to the school's Needy Students' Fund.

Learning Journey to Singapore Garden Festival

Green Club and Home Economics Club members at Singapore Garden Festival on 22 July.

Hong Kah Pupils as Dengue Busters

Our pupils did their part as Dengue Busters at neighbouring blocks near the school on 16 July.

Shawn, an NEA officer, briefing the pupils on what they have to do.

Green Club members listening attentively at the briefing.

Block 416 Jurong West St 42, where pupils did their exercise.

Green Club members putting up flyers in residents' homes.

Our Dengue Busters with their teachers-in-charge.

Clean Energy Summit @ HKSS - Exhibition booths

Clean Energy Summit @ HKSS

Participants and Guests at the Clean Energy Summit

Clean Energy Summit @ HKSS - Promoting Solar Energy

Pupils promoting the use of solar energy as a viable renewable energy for Singapore.

'Just One Earth' Seminar - The Global Heartbeat connecting People with the Pulse of Life

Teachers attend a seminar to enhance their awareness on environmental issues:

Just One Earth Environmental Seminar 2010
Theme: "The Global Heartbeat - Connecting People with the Pulse of Life "
2 June 2010 (Wednesday)
Keynote Speech:
"Connecting People with the Pulse of Life"by Mr Doug Farr, Director of Kuaka New Zealand

Concurrent Session 1: "Pulse of the Seas" by Ms Abi Virjee, Manager for Coral Triangle Partnership Programme, WWF Singapore

Ms Abi Virjee, Manager for Coral Triangle Partnership Programme, WWF Singapore

Concurrent Session 2: "Pulse of Human Health" by AP C Kunalan, National Institute of Education.